Making children a priority, Nestle is investing in Health and in the future.

The best way to love is to take good care and to protect, that is why Nestle has choosen to invest in children’s health and their wellbeing.

Nestle seeks to stand as the leader in advocating for life quality and better health for children and vulnerable segments of the population.
According to the main objectives of sustainable development goals (SDGs) n°2 and 3 including the fight against hunger and better access to health care, Nestle is joining cameroonian pediatricians to ensure a better life for children.
To make it more effective, as a world leader for the production of quality food and drinks and in practical Research, Nestle demonstrated its goodwill during the convocation ceremony of the 17th batch of resident students of pediatrics on Tuesday, 18 February 2020 at the Hilton Hotel in Yaounde. Under the patronage of personalities like Pr Tetanye Ekoe, Pr Maah Evelyn, etc, Several instruments like the sphingomanometer and medical materials were offered.

The Theme of the ceremony was: ” Resistance to antibiotics as a health problem in the Cameroonian context“. The profile of resistance to antibiotics with children, the world plan strategy by WHO, the link between antibiotherapy and Microbiot were presented.
And after confirming its aims for health and research, Nestle has clearly underlined its ambition in supporting research in childhood nutrition and the service for information and training.

Like a new year feast, the ceremony ended with a cocktail where all the medical staff and guests could share Nestle’s special gastronomy selection!

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Posted by Yoheda

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